U want your friends to xperience God and experience Love.. share it with them.. Godbless..


... really nice. Listen to it carefully... God bless


The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, than education, than money, then circumstances, than failures, than successes, than what other people think, say, or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness, or skill. It will make or break a company, a church, a home. The remarkable thing is we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day.
We cannot change our past. We cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude. I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it. And so it is with you. We are in charge of our attitudes.


...skipping the Lessons of Life is not an option to easy living.

... it's my heart's desire to be close to YOU..

God of Wonders

...universe declares your majesty, Lord of heaven and earth...

Dear Friend...

In WW1 an English soldier watched in horror how his lifelong friend fell under gunfire. All the soldiers had to retreat. The soldier went to ask permission from the lieutenant to go and fetch his friend from the no-mans-land.
The lieutenant gave permission, but added: "It is hardly worth it. Your friend is probably dead and you may die too."
The soldier did not care about the warnings and miraculously he did reach his friend, lifted him to his shoulders and stumbled back. He was wounded in the process.
The lieutenant helped them to safety and noticed the soldier´s friend was dead.
"I am sorry for your friend - but I told you it was not worth it. Your friend is dead and now you are also seriously wounded."
"I have to disagree with you. It was worth it", the soldier answered.
"What ever do you mean?" the lieutenant wondered.
"It was worth it", the soldier repeated. "When I got to my friend, he was still alive and said ´Jim, I knew you would never leave me.´ "

just BELIEVE...

"At that time we were completely overwhelmed, the burden was more than we could bear, in fact we told ourselves that this was the end. Yet we believe now that we had this experience of coming to the end of our tether that we might learn to trust, not in ourselves, but in God who can raise the dead." 

2 Corinthians 1:8-9 (PH)


Being a strong Christian on a secular campus is not easy, as we all know. Busy from all the assignments, tasks, group works, organizational activities and a lot more. It actually takes work – more work sometimes that high school. However, there are ways that you can stay focused on God and His work in your life:
  • Join a Christian Fellowship group. While there are groups and meetings for just about anything on a college campus, fellow Christians often meet beyond traditional Wednesday and Sunday services. it is wise however to get involve in such activity and spend some of your time in giving God the glory.

  • Go to church. Find a church right away and get involved in their college group. Worshiping with fellow Christians can help keep you strong. Going to church at least once a week can help keep your focus. make sure as well that the church you are heading is a place where you could be able to grow spiritually. it is where faith somehow is being energized.

  • Start a Bible Study. If you cannot find a fellowship group, try getting a Bible Study together. Put up a flyer in your dorm or meeting area, and you will be amazed at the response you get. if you are a cell-group leader, then try as much as you can to be one. God will fill in people if you yourself is able to cope with. Else, look for one (cell-group leader). It may help you on your way of growing.

  • Do your devotionals. Staying rooted in the Word will help you remain strong in your faith. When you are faced with a moral dilemma, knowing the Word will help you make Godly decisions. A day without communing with is perhaps be considered not a day at all. Make sure that you put God first above all things. Know Him more, intensify your devotionals. Take time to talk to God, also, take time to Listen.

  • Ask for help. If you feel yourself straying from your walk, don’t be ashamed to ask a fellow Christian for prayer or inspiration. Talk to your youth leader or pastor to get advice. Never try to isolate yourself from the crowd. A self-burning coal does not really endure for a long time compared to a bunch of coals being together inhibiting fire from one another. You are loved, always be reminded of it.

No matter where you go to school, you will be faced with moral decisions. You will be confronted with opposing beliefs and immoral acts. While some situations are clearly good or bad, the situations that try your faith the most will not be so clear. Keeping your eyes on God will help you navigate through the world of college.
Galatians 5:22-23 – “When the Holy Spirit controls our lives, he will produce this king of fruit in us: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentelness, and self-control. Here there is no conflict with the law.” (NLT)

God Exist!

A man went to a barbershop to have his hair cut and his beard trimmed. As the barber began to work, they began to have a good conversation. They talked about so many things and various subjects.

When they eventually touched on the subject of God, the barber said: "I don't believe that God exists."

"Why do you say that?" asked the customer.

"Well, you just have to go out in the street to realize that God doesn't exist. Tell me, if God exists, would there be so many sick people? Would there be abandoned children? If God existed, there would be neither suffering nor pain. I can't imagine a loving a God who would allow all of these things."

The customer thought for a moment, but didn't respond because he didn't want to start an argument. The barber finished his job and the customer left the shop. Just after he left the barbershop, he saw a man in the street with long, stringy, dirty hair and an untrimmed beard. He looked dirty and unkempt.

The customer turned back and entered the barber shop again and he said to the barber: "You know what? Barbers do not exist."

"How can you say that?" asked the surprised barber. "I am here, and I am a barber. And I just worked on you!"

"No!" the customer exclaimed. "Barbers don't exist because if they did, there would be no people with dirty long hair and untrimmed beards, like that man outside."

"Ah, but barbers DO exist! What happens, is, people do not come to me."

"Exactly!"- affirmed the customer. "That's the point! God, too, DOES exist! What happens, is, people don't go to Him and do not look for Him. That's why there's so much pain and suffering in the world."


Join us in our youth Service every Friday at 6:30 in the evening...

Let's all enjoy the wonderful presence of the LORD...


only HIM...

Why did Jesus fold the linen burial cloth after His resurrection?

The gospel of John 20:7 tells us about the napkin, which had been placed over the face of Jesus. It was not just thrown aside like the grave clothes. The Bible takes an entire verse to tell us that the napkin was neatly-Folded. It was placed at the head of that stony burial chamber. Is that significant? Absolutely! Is it really significant? Yes! In order to understand the significance of the folded napkin, you have to understand a little bit about Hebrew tradition of that time.The folded napkin had to do with Master and Servant, and every Jewish boy knew this tradition. When the servant set the dinner table for the master, he made sure that it was exactly the way the master wanted it.

The table was furnished perfectly, and then the servant would wait just out of sight until the master had finished eating, and the servant would not dare touch that table until the master was finished.Now if the master was done eating, he would rise from the table, wipe his fingers, his mouth and clean his beard; he would then wad up that napkin and toss it onto the table. The servant would then know to clear the table, for in those days the wadded napkin meant, "I'm done." But if the master got up from the table, folded his napkin and laid it beside his plate, the servant would not dare touch the table because the servant knew that the folded napkin meant, "I'm not finished yet." The folded napkin that Jesus left meant, "I'm coming back!"

Jesus is Coming Back!!!!

If you surrender your life to Jesus, HE WILL SAVE YOUR SOUL...

...and if you love others like you love yourself, you can bring their souls to Jesus!

Souls are the only thing we can bring with us to heaven... i suggest we bring as much as we can!


The time is URGENT! the Kingdom of God is at hand! We should not waste our TIME...

Let us draw closer to our King and set aside everything that would hinder us from fulfilling our destiny! we're living in exciting times....

Let's worship the Lord in united spirit...


Come and visit us at Ipil Street, Carmen, Cagayan de Oro city, 2nd floor above Solomon's hardware and Karen's bakeshop …

Be blessed and be impacted by the Word of God in your LIFE…

"On each bank of the stream all kinds of trees will grow to provide food. Their leaves will never wither, and they will never stop bearing fruit. They will have fresh fruit every month, because they are watered by the stream that flows from the SANCTUARY. The trees will provide food, and their leaves will be used for healing people."

